Frequently Asked Questions

You know it's not hard to wash and cut up vegetables? You could save a lot of money.

Don't care. There's plenty of frugal cooking blogs, Budget Bytes is one of my faves, but the whole reason for this particular blogs existence is to make this shit as EASY as possible. Yes, sometimes that means my recipes are more expensive. Feel free to complicate them if you want, but don't try to pry my bag of frozen diced onions away from me.

Why don't you post more often?

I have a standard 9-5 development day job, a freelance web design side-business, a house that I'm renovating myself to save money, camping/hiking/travel to stay sane, oh and then there's this website. If you want to harass clients for unpaid invoices while tiling my bathrooms, then I would gladly post more. In the meantime this website gets updated when I have a free night.